DUAT Weather Briefing FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

This FAQ is dedicated to answering the most common questions about Weather Briefings provided by the DUAT system.

  1. What's the difference between all those kinds weather briefings?
  2. What types of weather products are available on DUAT?
  3. Can you describe how DUAT Decodes weather products?

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Q1. What's the difference between all those kinds of weather briefings?

A. The types of briefings can be categorized by the geographical area that is searched and the types of weather products that are retrieved.

The geographical areas are defined as:

  • Route-oriented — a search area defined by your route of flight, with optional alternate destinations.
  • Local area — a search area defined as a circular region around a single specific location.
  • Regional Area — a search area defined by the borders of a state or special geographic region (such as the Great Lakes or international areas)
  • Select Locations — you identify the exact weather products that you want to retrieve. The DUAT system does not do any geographic searching.

The types of weather products that are retrieved are:

  • Standard Briefing
  • Abbreviated Briefing
  • Outlook Briefing

(Note: this topic will include additional information soon!)

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Q2. What types of weather products are available on DUAT?

A. The following weather products are provided:

(Note: this topic will be written soon.)

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Q3 . Can you describe how DUAT Decodes weather products?

A. This topic is being written and will be available soon.

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